August 31, 2010

I really love the textiles on third drawer down, these are by David Shrigley, Miranda July and Kiki Smith.
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A new coat in the shop tonight! I was so excited when I found this velvet faux fur trim coat, I nearly died. I never find these types of coats in good shape, they are always so worn, this one really shocked me by being in such perfect condition.

August 30, 2010

A new vintage romper going into the shop today, it's pale blue, pink and white plaid with a matching belt.

In other news I went out today to check out a shop I had read about, it's called Organic Avenue and it's pretty rad. I got this cucumber basil soup, I am excited to try it. They sell drinks and soups in these big glass bottles, you can return them when your finished and get $2 back. I also got some carrot flax seed crackers and cacao truffles, I went a bit crazy. I love eating like this though.

August 26, 2010

I went thrift shopping yesterday, it was intense. I had no luck in the morning, I kept feeling paranoid that I was one step behind someone who was finding all the good stuff. Then I found this squirrel and it all turned around. I washed him when I got home and dead spiders came out of the hole in his stomach, it changed the way I felt about him but now in the daylight I am happy to have him.
I spent a while looking for books, fodder for collage making. I found some pretty good ones. There were so many books about cats, I suppose they all belonged to the same person. I picked out the best two. At this one thrift shop they have all the books organized by category, it's so fantastic. I spent most of the time looking through the arts and crafts and nature sections.
Oh and then I found this glass. It had a sticker that said it was from a set of 6 but sadly the others could not be found.
On the drive back I decided to stop for a coffee because I thought it would help me be a good driver. I rarely drink coffee so it had a way too powerful effect, I had a total panic attack. I wanted someone else to drive so that I could sit in the backseat but I was alone. I took deep breaths and tried to focus on the radio. Just then the Alice Cooper radio show came on (he djs a show called Nights with Alice Cooper) and it was the best possible thing to come on the radio just then. I drove out of reach of the station though about a half hour into it, I switched to NPR and tried to focus on the people talking. I kept getting really angry at the person they were interviewing though, he was making an argument full of holes and I wanted to point them out to him but I think it was a rebroadcast from earlier in the day and I needed to fully focus on the road. So next time I am just having an ice tea.

August 23, 2010

picture taking lake

photos at the lake

picture taking at the lake

taking pictures on the lake

lake mist 73

sep 71 photo taking

Today really felt like fall for the first time this year, it was so cool and windy, I love when it gets this way. Anyhow, here are some more of those slides I scanned a while back, the top photos are of my Aunt Frances. The bottom photo might be her or it might be my mom.

August 22, 2010

new in the shop today, a sailboat print t-shirt and a mint green wrap skirt!

August 20, 2010


I just did a google image search for televisions, I found this picture and although my story has nothing to do with Alfred Hitchcock I am going to use it just the same. So! Today I had a small part in something that is going to be on television, I worked as the prop stylist for a T.V. commercial! I was very nervous the night before, I could barely sleep. I have never worked in film or television so I wasn't entirely sure what to expect. It turned out to be really cool. I even got to stand in for the model so they could set the lighting, it was really intense in front of the bright lights, for a moment I almost imagined that I forgot my lines. When they shot the scenes they had to have absolute complete silence, that meant even turning off the air conditioning and it was so so hot. The lights generated so much heat, the make-up artist kept powdering the model's face in between takes, I figured she must have had 20 layers on by the end. I asked the make-up artist if they use regular make-up because I was amazed at how flawless the models looked, apparently they use special foundation made for T.V. but the rest was just regular. Then she commented that I have amazing skin and I thought she was putting me on, I told her it was something I struggle with all the time. Oh and then we discussed the magic of Manuka Honey, I recommend it highly by the way. That's a whole other story though. So my part was at the very end of the day, I was nervous waiting for it the whole time. I just did what the director asked for and it wasn't as stressful as I imagined, I actually thought it was pretty fun. I am really crossing my fingers and hoping that I get called back to work some more, it was much more exciting than what I'm used to.

August 19, 2010

Here is Jason at his regular perch by the window. He likes to keep an eye on the goings on outside. Yes, so yesterday was my birthday and it was totally great! Early in the day while I was waiting for the train I noticed a little boy standing near me with one of those metallic helium balloons that read "Happy Birthday" while his mom took pictures of him. A little while later I was in a store and two people right next to me embraced and one said to the other "Happy Birthday!" Then when I got home the front hallway was full of drunk guys who I have to say "excuse me" to to get up the stairs, one of them stumbled out of the way spilling beer all over the floor. They apologized saying that they were celebrating one of their birthdays. I was like huh, weird! These are the guys who whenever I walk Jason they always say "God Bless God Bless, God Bless the animals." I take it that they are always stoned, I don't think they are aware of how ridiculous they are. So I bought a new dress, it is all black and mini and the sleeves get kind of wider at the ends, the word that came to mind when I tried it on was "witchcraft." I will be wearing it while casting spells when the weather cools down. In the evening I went out for mexican food with some of my favorite friends, I had a rose flavored margarita. Then we walked around and I ended up sitting outside at Five Leaves to have some dessert. I had this rosewater flavored sugar concoction known as a pavlova, it was a bit like hardened cotton candy. Then I walked home in a sugar fugue state.

August 16, 2010

I am seriously looking forward to Fall with some of the new items in my shop. Lately I have been keeping an eye out for vintage coats and jackets, I also just found a lot of amazing boots, I will be listing some of those tomorrow. I swear if I were a size 7 1/2 I would be so happy, almost every pair I ever find is that size. I also have a gross story for you, from last night. I hailed a cab with Jason in a bag that I was carrying, the cab driver drove half a block and then got out to vomit on the sidewalk saying that he was deathly allergic to dogs. I was like "but he's a poodle?!" I jumped out quick, but then I kept wondering if it was really because I said that I was going to Brooklyn, no cabs ever want to leave Manhattan. I suppose that would be a pretty dramatic move if that were the case. I was surprised that someone could be allergically moved to vomit in under a minute, especially since Jason just had a bath and Poodles don't even shed, they are special! Who knows.

August 13, 2010

the foxes

I have had such a strange week, one the the highlights would be the day that I got to go thrift shopping where I found this book as well as a lot of new stuff for my store. On Tuesday I got to walk around with my friend Josh, we visited a new record shop/ taxidermy/ coffee shop in Brooklyn called Black Gold, it was very cool and I hope they do well. They had a stuffed hyena in the corner next to their record player. Yesterday I was hired for a random job over the phone by someone I have never met in person, I was sent to an Orthodox Jewish designer clothing store in Coney Island to repair a fallen window display. I had to do it alone which was an added stress. I was warned that when I got off the train out there that I would be in a strange land, I found that to be true. The shop owner treated me horribly, I don't know if that was because I am a girl or if it was because I am me, I had to call the guy who hired me to intervene and to explain to them that I knew what I was doing. I repaired the display and left with this massive relief that I would never go there again.

August 09, 2010

Last night I went to the Tribeca Grand Hotel for their Sunday night screening of Mad Men, they serve old fashioned drinks and screen it in a real movie theater in the basement. I drank a Tom Collins. It was funny to drink in a theater while watching people drink in a theater onscreen. After that we went to a bar that was playing the best music ever, from the Cure, to Joy Division to Gary Numan, as I danced I declared it in my mind the funnest night of the summer. I got home very late and ended up sleeping on the couch because my bed was too hot. Jason peacefully slept next to me and he didn't even wake me up early, he is usually my alarm clock.

August 07, 2010

I thrifted these vintage tablecloths, they are cotton and super vibrant. I wish I had a linen closet and a table that would fit either of these.

I also found these vintage potholders, I really can't resist anything that is neon and patchwork.

I found this little suitcase as well, it is in perfect condition like it was never even used. Jason makes for a great travel bag model in my opinion. In other news last night I took Jason out for a quick walk, when we came back inside he let out a little "woof!" and to my horror a pigeon had come into the front hallway of the apartment building and it was twitching and laying face down on the floor. I picked Jason up and stepped around the bird, it was very sad though, I felt so sorry for it. I went down again a little while later and it had dragged itself to the corner behind the radiator and died. I was wondering how long it would stay there but this morning it was gone. Then around 4 in the morning I was woken up by my neighbors having a violent fight in the apartment next door. They are such nice people when I see them in the hall, it's sad that they fight so intensely. It really sounded like they were physically throwing each other against the wall, it may have involved some furniture as well. I need some sage to burn to cleanse the electrical problems/ pigeon death/ neighbor fighting bad vibes out of this place.

August 06, 2010

We went to see the Charles Burchfield show at the Whitney today, it made me wish I were a psychedelic landscape painter. It's really magical, I totally recommend checking it out.