July 30, 2012

All new in the shop! Besides updating the shop I got some sad news today, my friend Bree is moving away! Far away, all the way to Canada. You may have seen her tumblr before, its really good, its called ###. I am so blue about it. I will miss her and her husband Pat so much, I just dont know where I will find new friends as cool as them. 

July 24, 2012

My friend Josh created this really cool iron-on patch, if you need a new patch for your jean jacket you can check it out here!

I will be selling  at this flea market this weekend, stop by and say hello!
(The Van-Onderdonk house is really cool, it is the oldest Dutch Colonial stone house in New York City, check it out here.)

July 11, 2012

Some of the new things in the shop this week. Those 1970s sandals are my favorite, I wanted them to fit me so badly but alas I am a size 8. I found them this past weekend, after waking up super early in the morning and going to a series of estate sales that were total busts, I found them at one of my regular thrifts, I was so psyched. I never have luck with estate sales, the ones I went to this week were exceptionally bad. At one house I was momentarily excited to see several boxes of cut up paper clippings because I love ephemera, when I got closer I saw that all they contained were expired coupons. From the 1980s! Why this lady had hundreds and hundreds of them I do not know. They actually made me feel pretty sad. There was a lesson to be learned from those boxes. So now I am back in the city trying to survive this hot summer. My apartment building is so hot. The guy downstairs lives in a windowless apartment so last week he sawed a square opening in his wall and installed a window air conditioner, the backside just faces out into the hallway. I'm pretty sure that they aren't meant to be used that way, for one thing it makes the hallway super crazy hot, it's stifling. Also I am paranoid that I am breathing in freon or something so I try not to breathe when I go in and out of the house. The lights stopped working in the hallway too so at night it is pitch black and hot and I just hold onto the bannister to make my way down the stairs holding my breath. Lately I have been wondering why I live here, it's kind of crazy sometimes.

July 05, 2012

I LOVE the Orla Kiely Spring/Summer 2013 collection. The prints of ships especially, the cropped pants and the shoes the model is wearing are killing me too. You can see the whole collection here.