December 31, 2010

Happy new years! I just listed all this in the shop today, I am exhausted now. I have to get ready though, I have no idea what to wear tonight. It's funny all the time I spend involved with clothing and then when I have somewhere to go I have nothing to wear!

December 30, 2010

I just posted this coat to the shop, it is amazing. It is grey wool with super super soft faux fur trim, the whole thing is just incredible.

Here is a regular outfit post, I think I am going to try to do more of these in the future. I have been really attracted to big checkered plaids lately, besides this dress I recently found a vintage checkered plaid Woolrich jacket and a really amazing 1950s checkered skirt, it's at the dry cleaners now though, I will take a picture of it when I get it back.

In other news last night was so dramatic and crazy, I took the train back into the city and I had my big heavy suitcase full of vintage clothing, Jason was in my bag and I had a backpack on as well, it was an intense amount of stuff to be carrying. I stepped outside of Grand Central Station saw that the edges of the streets were piled high with snow, I panicked not knowing where I could stand to hail a cab. I found a spot and tried so hard to get one, everyone would pull up and either say "no dogs!" or that they would not go to brooklyn. I tried to plead with them, I was like "I'll pay extra! I'll pay cash!" but it didn't matter. I tried going around the block but it was the same story, I tried for a whole hour. I would have given up sooner but my suitcase was so heavy, I didn't know how I was going to get it up and down the stairs at the subway stations. I called my friend Erika who works nearby, she was already home in Brooklyn and couldn't make it over so I was on my own. I finally had no other choice, I dragged my suitcase through heavy crowds and slush to get over to Bryant Park, we caught the train there. A really nice girl picked up the other side of my suitcase and helped me carry it down the stairs, I was so thankful. When we finally got home I was never so happy to be there. I am never going to do that again. Someday I will get a car, I swear! I will appreciate it like no one has ever appreciated a car before.

December 28, 2010

December 27, 2010

I was looking through some old photos for something wintry to post and I found this one, it was the ice skating rink we used to have in our driveway. When I was young my mom would make this for us, it involved big sheets of plastic with beams of wood holding it all down at the edges, you would take the hose and fill it with water until it froze. We all got pretty good at skating from doing this, I haven't been skating in years though. So that's all, I hope everyone is having a nice holiday!

December 22, 2010

new in the shop today, some vintage overalls/ wide leg pants with suspenders and a polka dot Gunne Sax dress.

December 21, 2010

I just listed this new sweater in the shop, it is a wool acrylic blend, warm and soft. It is so cold here, the heat hasn't been working properly in my apartment building, it hardly ever turns on, I keep sitting by the oven even though I know thats not a good idea. I just called my landlord and he is so hard to understand on the phone, he started shouting that everyone has been calling him and he thought it was fixed already and more things that I could not decipher. I was like ok, I'm just really cold. I have a thermometer and it says that it is 55 degrees in my kitchen right now. Dreaming of warmer days I also recently listed these sandals, if they were only my size I would so psyched!

December 20, 2010


some new coats in the shop today!

December 16, 2010

I found these when I was thrift shopping yesterday, I was so excited. They are framed in wooden and glass frames, they represent the four seasons. They are going right up on my living room wall.

December 15, 2010

My friend Marna came up with an excellent idea today, she suggested I invite everyone over to shop my store in person one night, I was thinking it would be fun to do it this Sunday. I got so many new things thrift shopping today, I was telling her that I was feeling a little overwhelmed and she sketched out the whole idea for me. I got some new clothing racks and I was thinking of rearranging my living room for it. I'll get some drinks and bake cookies too, it should be fun. If you are in the NYC area and want to visit me to try things on send me an email at and I will send you the information. I hope you can come!

December 14, 2010

I listed this vintage wedding dress in the shop today. I think it is the prettiest one I have ever seen thrift shopping, it is exceptionally cute in person. My sister is getting married soon so I have been paying more attention to wedding dress styles these days.

December 13, 2010

new in the shop today, a pale blue wool Rothschild coat with hood, a faux fur cape coat and a 1970s plaid wool dress.

My friend Jonee used to make these short movies, this one was one of my favorites. It stars Lily from lily and the ladies and my old friend Marcos.

December 11, 2010

New in the shop! I guess I just love plaid, corduroy too. The tomato red/orange plaid skirt is a Pendleton skirt. I am currently wishing for a Pendleton blanket to magically appear on my bed, I think they are gorgeous.

vintage 80's ELEPHANT sweater new in the shop!

December 09, 2010

I will be adding this 1960s plaid dress to the shop this afternoon. In other news at work yesterday I got to take home this black xmas tree, it was from an old window display. Erika and I went searching for it with flashlights in the space that is between the windows and the wall inside the store on 6th ave, there was a large pile of old christmas trees, mostly in pink and blue. I was only really interested in this black one. Have you ever seen the movie Black Christmas? The one from the seventies, not the remake. I kept thinking about it as I carried it home on the train.

December 06, 2010

I love this coat I just added to the shop, 1960s mod, bright orange, size xs