1. vintage black Coach bag 2. vintage floral silk shirt 3.1980s levi's light blue jean shorts 4.vintage brown leather woven flats 7 1/2
vintage high waisted black denim shorts
All new in the shop! I am very excited about my new bust form, it has legs so I will be photographing so many shorts and jumpsuits soon, I have been wanting one forever! I have been so busy lately, I have books stacked up to the ceiling waiting to be read, stressful estate sales I have to wake up way too early for, poodles waiting in line for me to give them summer hair cuts, Im tired just thinking about it. Besides that here are some things I have come across lately that are interesting:
✩ So far I really like this tv show
✩ Tori is wearing a pair of shoes from Secret Lake in this beautiful blog post
✩ I love the idea of this, I think I need one for thrift shopping
✩ This seems like the most perfect backpack, sigh...
✩ I keep meaning to make these but just end up eating the strawberries and coconut as they are and not in popsicle form