December 30, 2010

Here is a regular outfit post, I think I am going to try to do more of these in the future. I have been really attracted to big checkered plaids lately, besides this dress I recently found a vintage checkered plaid Woolrich jacket and a really amazing 1950s checkered skirt, it's at the dry cleaners now though, I will take a picture of it when I get it back.

In other news last night was so dramatic and crazy, I took the train back into the city and I had my big heavy suitcase full of vintage clothing, Jason was in my bag and I had a backpack on as well, it was an intense amount of stuff to be carrying. I stepped outside of Grand Central Station saw that the edges of the streets were piled high with snow, I panicked not knowing where I could stand to hail a cab. I found a spot and tried so hard to get one, everyone would pull up and either say "no dogs!" or that they would not go to brooklyn. I tried to plead with them, I was like "I'll pay extra! I'll pay cash!" but it didn't matter. I tried going around the block but it was the same story, I tried for a whole hour. I would have given up sooner but my suitcase was so heavy, I didn't know how I was going to get it up and down the stairs at the subway stations. I called my friend Erika who works nearby, she was already home in Brooklyn and couldn't make it over so I was on my own. I finally had no other choice, I dragged my suitcase through heavy crowds and slush to get over to Bryant Park, we caught the train there. A really nice girl picked up the other side of my suitcase and helped me carry it down the stairs, I was so thankful. When we finally got home I was never so happy to be there. I am never going to do that again. Someday I will get a car, I swear! I will appreciate it like no one has ever appreciated a car before.

1 comment:

  1. That is the worst feeling, ever. I hate being stuck here when it's nearly impossible to take the trains and no cabbies are in service or willing.
