February 20, 2010

Last night I ventured out to a show, I was so excited to see Thrones play in the city, I was looking forward to it all week. I checked online and it said it would take a half hour so I left with just enough time to get there. Alas, I stood out on the subway platform for an eternity waiting for the train, I stood out there for so long a fine layer of dust could have accumulated upon me had it not been so windy. I got to the show 20 minutes late and the door was shut with a SOLD OUT sign posted to the front. I threw my hands up in dismay and then brought them down again to text josh who I knew was inside. The text had a lot of exclamation points at the end. I could hear the music from outside which made it even more upsetting. I turned around to head home but not before stopping at the bowery whole foods for apple cider and caramel. It eased my anguish.

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